Osteopathic manipulative technique has a powerful therapeutic benefit when used by a properly trained practitioner in an appropriate application.
- Hands-on contact – this is an essential component of the diagnosis and treatment of the patient.
- Soft tissue technique – this procedure is commonly applied to the musculature surrounding the spine or the joints treated.
- Lymphatic technique – designed to promote circulation of the lymphatic system.
- Thrust technique – in this form of manipulation,the practitioner applies a high velocity / low amplitude thrust to restore specific joint motion. With such a technique, the joint regains its normal range of motion.
- Osteopathy in the Cranial Field– is a specific approach within the osteopathic concept. It influences the structure and fluid surrounding the central nervous system, creating an impact on the total body and initiating the body’s inherent capacity to generate a therapeutic process. This approach is used by practitioners of the Ashmore Osteopathic Group.

HVLA Thrust Technique
How many Treatments will be needed?
This frequently asked question is difficult to answer as it varies depending on the severity and age of the existing problem.
At the initial consultation, practitioners at the Ashmore Osteopathic Group always endeavour to explain the problem and give an indication as to the possible time frame to remedy an existing complaint; normally 3 to 7 treatments.
Remember, no brochure can fully address this complex and highly sophisticated subject. For further information regarding your problems, or those of your child, please feel free to consult any of the practitioners at this practice.