It is a common belief that babies and children should have no structural stresses or strains on their bodies, because they are “so young”. The reality is very different.
The baby’s birth can be one of the most stressful events of its life. The baby is subjected to enormous forces as the uterus contracts to expel it, against the natural resistance of the birth canal. The baby has to turn and twist as it squeezes through the bony pelvis; on it’s short, highly stimulating and potentially stressful journey.
The baby’s head has a remarkable ability to absorb these forces, in a normal delivery. In order to reduce the size of the head, the soft bones overlap, bend and warp as the baby descends.
Many babies are born with odd shaped heads as a result. During the first few days the head can usually be seen to lose the extreme moulded shape as the baby suckles, cries and yawns. However this unmoulding process is often incomplete, especially if the birth has been difficult. As a result, the baby may have to live with some very uncomfortable stresses within the body system.
So, what effect does retained moulding have on the newborn?
Some babies cope extremely well with even quite severe retained moulding and compression, and are contented and happy. For others it is a different story, and they can display a variety of problems.
An answer is then sought to help remedy these problems. For many, a solution is Osteopathy.

What Conditions can be helped?
Crying, Irritable Baby
A crying, fractious, irritable baby needs to be rocked to sleep. Prefers being carried.
Reason: The baby may be uncomfortable, with a constant feeling of pressure in the head. This is worsened by the extra pressure on the head when lying down.
Feeding Difficulties
Baby takes a long time to feed and one feed merges into the next. He/She may be a 'windy' feeder.
Reason: Feeding is difficult and tiring due to mechanical stresses through the head, face and throat. The nerves to the tongue may be irritated, as they exit from the skull, which makes sucking a problem.
Sickness, Colic and Wind
Regurgitation of milk between feeds, bouts of prolonged crying due to colic and wind. Often worse in the evening.
Reason: The nerve to the stomach is irritated as it exits from the base of the skull, which impairs digestion. The diaphragm may be stressed or distorted, or the gut lining may be sensitized, which further compromises both digestion and the ability of the stomach to retain its contents.
Sleep Disturbances
Baby sleeps for only short periods, and may sleep little in the day (or night!). Wakes to the slightest noise.
Reason: The tension on the bony and membranous casing of the skull, keeps the baby’s nervous system in a persistently alert state.
As the child grows, the effects of retained moulding can lead to other problems. The following are the most common, but it is by no means an exhaustive list.
Retained moulding at birth takes its toll on the body's reserves, and can impair the immune system, which in turn can leave children more vulnerable to infection.
Ear Infections
Recurrent ear infections, gradually becoming more frequent. May lead to glue ear and cause loss of hearing
Reason: Retained birth compression within and around the bones of the ear impedes fluid drainage from the ear, causes poor development of the air sinuses in the ear and partial or complete blockage of the eustachian tube. Infections never fully clear, leaving a vulnerability to the next infection and a depleted immune system.
Sinus and Dental Problems
Persistent mouth breathers. Constantly blocked or runny nose. Later this increases the chance of dental overcrowding.
Reason: Impaired growth and drainage of the sinuses and bones of the face due to retained moulding compression.
Behavioural Problems and Learning Difficulties
Poor concentration, underachiever, hyperactivity, attention deficit.
Reason: The retained moulding compression as a young baby persists, affecting the hearing, balance and joint position input to the nervous systems which may modify normal patterns of learning and nervous system development.
Headaches, aches and pains
Headaches begin age 7-8. Growing pains. Vulnerability to sprains, or other aches and pains.
Reason: Retained moulding may focus areas of increased postural tensions which make some areas of the body more vulnerable to strain and fatigue.
Vulnerability to chest infections. Aggravation of all degrees of asthma from mild to severe.
Reason: Retained moulding compression can aggravate a tendency to asthma and a sensitized nervous system. General lowered immunity leads to more chest infections. After infections, the chest remains tense and the ribs do not return to full function, aggravating an asthmatic tendency. Osteopathic treatment to release birth stresses and help to improve chest function, is often beneficial in reducing the frequency and severity of asthma attacks.
Irregular bowel motions and straining may start as early as infancy.
Reason: The baby’s lower back and pelvis is sometimes affected by the compressive forces of uterine contractions during birth. As well as possibly creating spinal restrictions, nerve and blood supply to the digestive system are affected, compromising normal bowel function, and may also lay the foundations for future back problems.
Could there be any adverse reactions?
Reactions to treatments are variable. Often the baby or child is very relaxed afterwards and sleeps well. Others have a burst of energy after the treatment, usually followed by a good nights sleep. Occasionally children are unsettled after treatment. This is a temporary situation, and is usually caused when the release of the retained moulding has been incomplete. It is not always possible for all the retained moulding compression to be released in one session, especially if it has been severe.
How many treatments will be needed?
On average, 2 to 6 treatments are sufficient. This varies according to the severity of the problem.
When to treat?
The younger the better. It is never too early to treat. The stresses and asymmetries are still able to be eliminated or at least modified due to the self regulating and healing abilities of the body. Often symptoms arising from the birth process may not manifest until later in life, e.g. migraine headaches, which are often treated successfully osteopathically.