Photobiomodulation Laser Treatment


                    PBMT Quad-Wave Laser

Introducing the Quad-Wave Laser System has changed the way health care professionals are able to assist in treating pain and injuries.
Uniquely featuring four wavelengths of 635nm, 810nm, 980nm and 1064nm, the Quad-Wave incorporates high power with each wavelength for a total combined output of 47 watts.

  • 525nm Wavelength (Aiming Beam)
    A 525nm green wavelength at 3mW power is used as the aiming beam. This is in contrast to many therapy lasers using a 635nm red wavelength at 3mW as the aiming beam that provides no therapeutic benefits due to the low power.


  • 635nm Wavelength (Red)                                   
    The 635nm wavelength is absorbed primarily by melanin near the surface of the skin. At higher power levels, this enhances collagen production of the skin and generates a therapeutic response for superficial treatments including scar tissue and burns. This helps prepare the treatment area for improved interaction with the near infrared (NIR) wavelengths.


  • 810nm Wavelength (NIR)                             
    The 810nm wavelength allows for rapid activation of hemoglobin oxygenation, the process by which energetic supply is transferred to
    muscles and tendons, facilitating regeneration. Clinical studies indicate that the 810nm wavelength influences mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase by increasing cytosolic calcium and decreasing mitochondrial calcium.


  • 980nm Wavelength (NIR)
    The 980nm wavelength optimizes the action on thermo and mechanical receptors for a rapid analgesic effect which results in improved pain control, circulation and muscle relaxation. Clinical
    studies indicate that the 980nm wavelength primarily affects temperature-gated calcium ion


  • 1064nm Wavelength (NIR)
    The 1064nm wavelength is a longer wavelength that provides deeper tissue penetration. Clinical studies indicate that it has minimal dispersion within biological tissues due to its decreased melanin absorption. The result is deep activation of metabolic processes vital for all cellular activities.


Unlike injections and prescriptions which often simply mask the symptoms and do little to treat the injury, PBMT delivers light energy, comprised of photons, to damaged cells. These photons are absorbed by the cells and stimulate the mitochondria to accelerate the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which boosts cellular energy. This biochemical increase in energy helps to transform cells from a state of dysfunction to a stable, healthy state. This results in reduced inflammation, increased blood flow, and the stimulation of tissue growth. PBMT also activates immunomodulation, or the body’s own healing processes. The Quad-Wave Laser’s state-of-the-art systems have been designed and manufactured to meet — and exceed — the industry’s most exacting standards. Backed by vigorous clinical studies, our Quad-Wave Laser has demonstrated positive outcomes in the treatment of virtually all regions of the body:

• Head and neck • Shoulders
• Arms and hands • Regions of the back
• Hips and knees • Feet and ankles

As average life expectancies continue to grow worldwide, the cells in our bodies are unfortunately subjected to increasing sources of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a direct contributor to inflammation, which leads to acute and chronic pain and is an underlying cause of many illnesses and chronic diseases. Compounded by the fact that negative lifestyle choices (obesity, smoking, lack of exercise, etc.) put many at higher risk for injury, pain management has become a significant area of emphasis in the medical community in recent years.
To date, more than 500 published double-blind, randomly controlled studies and 5,000 laboratory studies have been performed studying the effects of PBMT. The consensus shows that PBMT is a dose-dependent technology that, when properly calibrated, can deliver profound effects on a wide spectrum of conditions which include:

• Arthritis • Nerve regeneration
• Tendinopathies • Musculoskeletal pain
• Nerve pain • Soft tissue healing 

Benefits of PBMT

INFLAMMATION: Inflammation reduced by the stimulation of inflammatory mediators such as macrophages, neutrophils, and lymphocytes, as well as the reduction of harmful free radicals

PAIN MANAGEMENT: Substantial and longer-lasting pain reduction by decreasing
bradykinin, releasing endorphins, normalising ion channels, and decreasing nerve sensitivity

NERVE TISSUE: Increased proliferation of the growth factors that promote neuronal sprouting, which improves nerve function and regeneration

IMMUNE SYSTEM: Immunoregulation boosted by the direct stimulation of immunoglobulins and lymphocytes

STEM CELL GROWTH: Increased proliferation of stem cells, which enhances the body’s healing processes


SCAR TISSUE: Enhanced collagen production reduces the formation of scar tissue and related pain resulting from repetitive motion injuries, burns or surgery





JOINT HEALTH: Cartilage health is optimised by an increase in chondrocyte and collagen production, which improves cartilage
deposition and joint function

INJURIES: Stimulated fibroblast formation in damaged tissue leads to an accelerated and more efficient healing process

MUSCLE TISSUE and BONE HEALTH: Deep tissue penetration stimulates cellular reproduction and growth, resulting in the repair of damaged muscle fibres and activation of myogenic satellite cells. Proliferation of osteocytes and remodeling of bone extracellular matrix allows for accelerated, more efficient bone repair